UNAPEC anuncia_Convocatoria abierta de Becas para cursar maestrías en Harper Adams University del Reino Unido a través del MESCyT_Fecha límite 29-abril-2017

¡Estudiar en el Reino Unido!

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Hanani Melo Tejeda, egresada de UNAPEC y de Haper Adams University del Programa MSc Farm and Agri-business Management

Becas completas a través del Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología (MESCyT) de la República Dominicana para cursar maestrías en Harper Adams University, en el Reino Unido. (Período de Convocatoria: 7 de Abril al 29 de Abril de 2017)

Up to 10 students can study for an MSc at Harper Adams receiving full contributions for their tuition, accommodation and food through the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MESCyT) of the Dominican Republic. For more information about the requirements please visit their website or contact Dr. Leticia Chico Santamarta, Coordinator for the Latin American and Caribbean Partnerships. Deadline for applications is 29 April 2017

Why study at Harper Adams University?

Harper Adams is the UK’s leading land-based university for undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses in agriculture, animals, engineering, food, countryside, business, rural estate, property and land management.

Winner of the WhatUni University of the Year award 2017 and Modern University of the Year (The Times Good University Guide 2017), Harper Adams is within easy reach of Birmingham and Manchester (approx. 1 hour) in the heart of the Shropshire countryside, birthplace of industry.

Being the UK’s number 1 university for student experience and student support, there has been more than £20m invested in the campus in the last decade. The university has links with over 500 international businesses to complement its international culture.

What courses could you study? Courses include: Contact us

“Students who wish to apply for these scholarships need to do so through MESCyT, but if anyone wishes to contact me to discuss Harper Adams and the eligible courses they can email lchico-santamarta@harper-adams.ac.uk and we can correspond in English or Spanish. We are delighted to be able to offer eligible students a £200 contribution to cover some of the cost of their flight travel expenses to the UK.”

Dr Chico-Santamarta, Coordinator for the Latin American and Caribbean Partnerships and a native Spanish speaker.

http://www.harper-adams.ac.uk/international/dominican-republic.cfm Ver videos de Haper Adams University International Students Watch the video About Harper Adams Watch the video    


Universidad APEC

Candidate for Accreditation

Universidad APEC, Todos los derechos reservados. | Av. Máximo Gómez #72, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
Tel.: (809) 686-0021 . Fax: (809) 287-8702